Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 59 – Gunlom to Yellow Water (Thur June 21st)

We only had a short distance to travel today. Once we'd bumped over the corrugations back out to the Kakadu highway, it was about 80km up the road to the Mardugul camp ground which is where we decided to stay for 2 nights. It's 8km south of the famous Yellow Water Billabong, so is a great spot to camp whilst exploring this area. The camping here is similar to Gunlom, $20/night for 2 adults, kids under 16 are free. The amenities are the same, with solar hot showers.

After setting up camp, we went and sussed out the Cooinda Lodge and booked ourselves on the sunset cruise on Yellow Water Billabong. We had our nicest coffee in a long time at the resort, which looks nice, with a pool and caravan park, but is expensive.

The cruise was from 4.30 – 6.30pm, we took the kids to Cooinda Lodge for some hot chips beforehand. A bowl of chips came to $11.50, we couldn’t believe it, but paid the price.

The cruise was great, with heaps of birdlife, about 16 crocodiles, and a magnificent red sunset over the wetlands. The tour guide was on the ball and spotted and talked about all the wildlife there was to see, it was beautiful and very informative.

Once off the boat, the mozzies just about carried us back to our car, they were vicious! We’ve been pretty lucky with the mozzies though whilst in Kakadu, we’d heard how bad they’ve been, and tonight was the worst we’d seen so far.

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