Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 42 – Shopping Spree to Doomadgee (Mon June 4th)

Since we’re getting pretty low on food supplies and our battery charging system needs repairs we headed to Doomadgee. This was a 140km round trip on rough dirt roads for some food and minor repairs, haha, gotta love it being in the bush.

The road to Doomadgee

Doomadgee is an aboriginal community along the Savannah Way between Burketown and Hell’s Gate. It’s a small, rough looking town, but the supermarket was clean and well stocked. It’s expensive, which is to be expected in these small outback communities.  It’s all essential, so you can’t dwell on the cost.

I found the locals quite friendly, but it’s not on my list to go back to in a hurry.

We gathered firewood on the way home, and enjoyed watching the full moon rise amongst the gums, whilst sitting by the fire.

Sunset walk to the river

There seems to be an eclipse happening, which we didn’t know about until half of the moon disappeared.

Damon had thrown some pots in this arvo, we went and checked them before bed by the moonlight. Yippie, we’re in luck and now have 3 red claw to cook up tomorrow.

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