Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 43 – Kingfisher Camp (Tue June 5th)

It was a cold night last night, even in the camper we couldn’t get warm.  This morning we’ve broken the record for coldest so far on our trip. It’s a chilly 9 degrees at 7.30am, which is nice and fresh for us Qld campers.

We wanted to do nothing today, so that was what we did. 

We cooked up the red claw, which were tasty with plenty of meat on them. Damon washed the car, and collected firewood and put more pots in. I read my book, did some clothes hand washing, updated the blog so it’s ready to post when we have service, and took the kids down to the waters edge for a play in the sand. So all in all it was a relaxing day.

Morning fog on the Nicholson

Morning tea

Campers are still coming and going today.  We’ve met 2 families here, and 1 at Adels Grove that have children the same age as ours and a little older. We are all heading in the same direction, so it will be good to catch up with them along the way. It’s nice for the kids to have some little friends to play with.

We got invited for some drinks and nibbles, along with another couple to the camp of one of the families travelling with their 3 boys. It was great chatting and sharing our stories of our travels, and the kids all had a ball playing together.

Tonight we are christened the camp oven! We bought some lamb shanks yesterday, and cooked them up with some veges in the oven for an hour, and hey presto, we had a delicious meal cooked to perfection by Damon.

We leave in the morning, and who knows where we will be tomorrow night. We plan to bush camp for the night on our way to Seven Emu Station which is in The Northern Territory.

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