Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 50 - King Ash Bay to Lorella Springs (Tue June 12th)

After a food and fuel stock up in Borroloola, we headed north west along the Nathan River Road to Lorella Springs.

Lunch was at Batten Creek rest stop, which was a nice little spot by the creek. Then it was back onto the corrugations all the way to Lorella Springs Station.

The road today was pretty average, probably the worst so far on our trip. It's corrugated and rocky, our average speed today was 47km/hr.

We've seen quite a few bush fires the last few days, i'm not sure if these ones have been lit by national parks or not. The countryside is a lot drier here than when we were up Cape York in May, it's amazing how quickly it dries out in Northern Australia.

We finally arrived at 3pm, the drive seemed to take forever as the corrugations just kept going and going!

Lorella Springs is a one million acre cattle station, which has over 100km of coastline, river systems and waterways. At the homestead/camping ground there is a wonderful thermal hot spring to relax and unwind.

After setting up camp by the thermal pool, we all enjoyed floating on noodles in the hot spring.

Lorella Springs

Lorella Bar

Hot springs with our camp on the bank

We've bumped into another one of the travelling families we met at King Fisher Camp, the kids loved seeing each other again and enjoyed having some play mates around.

The bar, camp kitchen/open fire area is great, very rustic and welcoming.  They had all new arrivals meet at the bar this afternoon for an informative run down of the property, highlighting what there is to see and do here. We were shown pictures and video footage of the many gorges, waterholes, bush walks and beach fishing camp.

Camping is $30/night for 2 adults, and all kids are free. 

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