Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 36 – Leichardt Falls to Burketown (Tue May 29th)

Brrrrrr – it’s our coldest day so far, its only 13 degrees this morning, and the lovely wind only makes it colder.

By the time we left at 10.30am it was 16 degrees, we were headed to Burketown to stock up on supplies and wash up before we go to Adels Grove and Lawn Hill national park.

There is a rubbish dump just west of Leichardt falls which was handy as you need to take all your rubbish with you when you leave this magic place.

The 70km to Burketown is bitumen and quite comfortable after yesterdays dirt track.

We normally travel with the UHF radio on when in the outback, and we could hear some cowboys mustering cattle using a helicopter. Eventually we came across the herd they were moving and saw the helicopter flying low to the ground mustering the cattle. It was a sight to see, the kids absolutely loved it, especially when we had to drive right through the middle of the herd. We had the windows down, so the kids could moo back at the cows that were mooing at us.

As we pulled into town, this artesian bore was a welcome spot to warm our hands. The water temp is 68 degrees, and the flow rate per day is an amazing 707,190 litres.

The caravan park here is pretty basic, but has clean amenities, friendly staff and a great camp kitchen, which we used for dinner and will do for our early breaky in the morning.

Unpowered sites are $30/night for 2 adults

The arvo was spent doing washing and stocking up, ready for our trip into Lawn Hill national park tomorrow.

Rain is forecast for tomorrow and the next few days, this could mean road closures due to poor road conditions. So, our plan is to get away as soon as possible tomorrow, get to Adels Grove, set up, bunker down and wait for the rain to clear. 

We will stay as long as we need until the rain clears, so we can see Lawn Hill in its prime.

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