Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 39 – Lawn Hill Bushwalking (Fri June 1st)

The bad weather that was predicted didn’t last that long, and wasn’t as bad as we thought it was going to be.

Today is fine, and the national park is open, so we ventured in for a 3hr bushwalk.

We did the 3.8km Indarri Falls Circuit, which was just beautiful. The kids did really well, with hardly any whinging. It’s a long way for their little legs.

The highlights were

-        - morning tea at Indarri Falls where we saw lots of spitting, jumping Archer fish. Sienna loved trying to get them to spit, by wiggling her fingers over the water surface.
   -        -Fresh water croc spotting from the cliffs on top of the gorge.

-        - Hearing our echoed coeees from the opposite side of the gorge and

-         -The Olive Green Python stuck in a rock crevice. He regurgitated a frog, then was able to continue up the rock crevice and out of sight.

Our first view of Indarri Falls

Indarri Falls

Playing with the Archer fish

Archer Fish



Indarri Falls from on top of the Gorge


Loving the echoed Cooeee
Nearly finished our bush walk

Mr python has eaten to much and is stuck!

We collected some firewood on the way back to camp, and the kids loved helping to get the fire going this afternoon.

Tomorrow we canoe the gorge, and we're looking forward to it too.

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