Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 54 - Towns River to Mataranka (Sat June 16th)

We woke in a cloud of fog, it surrounded us and didn't lift until we were on the road, about 10.30am.

We saw our first wild buffalo standing in the middle of the road, but they were in the bush by the time i got my camera ready.

From here to Mataranka the road improves, it then becomes a single lane bitumen road for the last 130km into Mataranka.

Look out for Road Trains

We called into Tomato Island for a look, this is yet another free bush camp, and is situated along the Roper River. It looks to be a popular place for keen fisherman to come and set up camp for a good while. 

Boat ramp at Towns River
The spotlight eventually rattled out

The countryside is rugged, with rocky ridges, and burnt by fires, it was still beautiful.

The kids were happy when we hit the blacktop, no more bumps for a while.  Once on the bitumen, i knew we were getting close to Mataranka, but, we hadn't been through Roper Bar. Out came the map, and it was then that we realized we had missed Roper Bar. Uh oh! We had planned to top up our fuel there, oopps! Damon checked the fuel range, and if he drove economically we would make Mataranka with 10km to spare.

We had also planned on having lunch at Roper Bar, so instead ended up having a late lunch stop at Elsey  rest area. It was then a 30km drive on vapours to Mataranka, where we filled up, phew!

Lunch stop

We opted to stay at Mataranka Cabins and Camping, which is located 500 meters from Bitter Springs. We had heard good reports about Bitter springs, and how some people prefer them to the thermal pools at the Mataranka Homestead. The caravan park is only 3km from the center of town, and walking distance from the springs. Unpowered sites are $30/night for 2 adults. The showers are great, funny how showers become so important. They have 4 private ensuites, with toilet and shower, these are great for washing the kids. Cam was asking where the donkey was though. He has been used to the fire being lit under the donkey in order for us to have a warm shower. The kids had their first shower in 4 days, as we've been bush camping, and using the thermal springs at Lorella. It was lovely to feel so clean.

Once we set up camp, we heading into town to stock up on food, as our supplies are quite low. But, being a Saturday the supermarket closes at 3pm, it was now about 4pm, Damn. And of course nothing is open on Sunday. So it's pasta and tin food for us whilst in Mataranka.

Luckily the pub was open, haha. $100 later, we now have a 40pd bottle of rum, some coke and ice. Wow - luxury, real rum and ice!

Now that we are in civilization, i can attempt to update the blog. It was a late night, staying up till 11pm to try get some of it underway. As much as I'm enjoying writing the blog, it is quite time consuming.  But it will be worth the effort to have a full record of the trip online for us and the kids to look back on in years to come.

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