Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 44 – King Fisher Camp to Calvert River Crossing (Wed June 6th)

It’s another chilly morning at 9 degrees, which made for a slow pack up. We left King Fisher at 10.30am and headed west along the Savannah way towards the Northern Territory.

Damon and Sienna checked the crab pots this morning, and were happy to find 4 red claw and 1 cherubin. It’s been fun catching them and cooking them up, Sienna likes holding them, but Cam is more weary and backs away. They were a tasty snack before we packed up today.

Yum Yum

Brave Sienna and her Red Claw

What's cookin Dad?

Driving through Bowthorn Station

The road crosses Bowthorn Station Airstip

Sign for King Fisher Camp on Savannah Way

Our first stop was the Hell’s Gate Roadhouse for fuel and lunch. They have camping here out the back, which looked nice and shady.

Further up the road past the roadhouse on the right are these awesome rock formations. This would be another good spot to camp, amongst the rocks which would be beautiful at sunset.

Rock formations west of Hells Gate

Most of the drive today was through scrubby savannah woodland, and crossed some beautiful rocky ranges.

We crossed into the Northern Territory today and of course stopped for photos!

By 4pm we were looking for somewhere to bush camp for the night, we found our spot on the high western bank of the Calvert River. 

Crossing the Calvert River

Sign entering the dip for Calvert River

Calvert River Crossing

Off to wash faces and look for crocs

Another couple pulled in behind us, and funnily enough they were the same couple that were camped opposite us as King Fisher Camp.


  1. wow your trip look amazing, bringing back some memories for me, tom had his 3rd bday crossing the calvert river then we stayed a few nites near boraloola. I loved the trip from gregory river to lawn hill then to kingfisher, it was a very memrable time for us, I still remember the people we met there. I love the photos, the kids look like they are loving it and so do you guys, you're still looking rather stylish tracey, no need for the gym for you. Take care, cant wait to see your next updates. PS, Still nothing happening here lol we have the show day soon and fantasea have stopped operating!!

  2. hey guys, been reading this with great interest. We are leaving cairns in the next 6 weeks after all our car trouble are hopefully fixed. How did you find the river crossings. I know they may have been simple for you but our car is older and has no lift or snorkel. We would love to do the dirt part but after our already crazy adventures are just unsure as we are traveling alone and do not want any bogging happening again. Loving the reading your having such an amazing time. Jay and lil
