Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 57 – Katherine to Kakadu (Gunlom Falls) (Tue June 19th)

It was an early start to the day with a breakfast cruise up Katherine Gorge from 7-9am. The cruise was fantastic, seeing all the colours of the gorge change as the sun rose was beautiful. 

This was as were eating a cooked breakfast on board a boat, just lovely.  Luckily we wore our jumpers, as it was very fresh, especially in the wind as the boat started to cruise up the gorge.

After our beautiful morning, it was back to pack up camp and head off to Kakadu.
We called into Pine Creek, a quaint little town known for its gold and tin mining.  After stocking up on grog at the rustic Lazy Lizard Tavern, we had lunch in the park with the locals and grey nomads.

A short while later, after paying our $25/adult fee, we were entering Kakadu. The  pass enables us to stay in Kakadu for 14 days.

We decided to spend our first few nights at Gunlom Falls, we were here 9 years ago, and remember how beautiful it was.  We had forgotten how awful the drive in was though! The 37km drive in from the Kakadu highway is heavily corrugated and slow, which is okay as we're in no rush.

We were here by 3ish, and after setting up, we were having a swim in the beautiful Gunlom falls plunge pool.

Camping here is $20/night for 2 adults, they have solar-hot showers, fire pits and tables throughout the camp grounds.

As we pulled into the camp ground, we recognised some fellow my swaggers whose blog we’ve been following for the last few months. We knew they were around the Kakadu/Katherine region, and were hoping to bump into them. Lyndon, Bec, and Charlie are seasoned travelers and have been on the road for 6 months with 6 months to go. We swapped stories and tips with them, which was great!

The view from our camp
Taken from our camp

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys, its was great to meet you. Enjoying catching up on your blog again now we are back in range.
    Cheers, Lyndon.
