Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 41 – Adels Grove to Kingfisher Camp (Sun June 3rd)

The drive today was through some magic country. First it takes you through Lawn Hill Station, and follows a range in the distance. 

This is the part of the road 

Lawn Hill Station

I was only thinking today how im missing the gym, well i got my exercise today, i think i opened and closed about 20 gates. Well it felt like that many anyway!

One of the many many gates.

The kids love to yell "Shut the gate mate"

There was this huge cross up on this hill, not sure if it was a grave or not, but it was impressive.

The second half of the drive was through Bowthorn Station and was the most scenic so far on our trip. We crossed a few river crossings, and passed through some rocky ridges, the road was lined with wattles and wild flowers.

Crossing one of the creeks

We saw our first wild emu today and plenty more cows. The road was pretty good, but this would of been a different story a few days ago with the recent rain. It’s amazing how quickly the mud dries.

We had some battery troubles today, one of the fuses on the auxillary battery had died. We are running pretty short on food supplies, so are doing a day trip into Doomadge tomorrow to stock up and get some parts to fix the battery problem.

Kingfisher Camp is yet another great spot, with shady bush camping among the gum trees. It is situated on the banks of a 5km long waterhole, which is part of the Nicholson River. Each site has its own fire pit, and water tap. The water is pumped from the creek, so needs to be boiled before drinking.

Boat ramp at King Fisher Camp

Our home among the Gum Trees

We are paying $20/night, which is a family rate. The waterhole is a short walk from the camping area, and they have boats and canoes for hire.

We threw a few crab pots in and are going trying our luck with some cherubin or red claw. Some of the other campers have been lucky, so we’ll see how we go in the morning.
There are 6 other campers here, but with a lot of room to spread out, we have our own space.

It was a beautiful moon rise tonight, it came up over the gum trees as the sky was still pink from the sunset. 

We’re looking forward to watching the Full Moon rise tomorrow night.

We have 3 nights here at Kingfisher Camp, it’s a nice place to relax and enjoy the bush.

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