Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 46 – Borroloola day trip (Fri June 8th)

Cooking toast
It was a 215km round trip on dirt roads into Borroloola today to get money, food and fuel! Something we didn’t really feel like doing, as we wasted a whole day away from Seven Emu, but, it had to be done.

Borroloola was better than we expected. It’s an aboriginal community, quite spread out and relatively clean. Nothing happens here quick though, it’s all very slow. We did what we had to do, had lunch and headed back to Seven Emu Station.

We’ve just about run out of rum! Oh no! Being an aboriginal community, the only place that sells alcohol is the supermarket, after 2pm. They only sell cartons of beer, oh well, it will do us good to have a break for a change.

We got some ingredients for a damper, which I’m looking forward to trying out tomorrow with Sienna, in the camp oven.

Back at camp we headed back down to the river to wash some more clothes, and the kids too.

After another magic sunset, the kids had a little party with some dancing and sparklers. 

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