Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 47 – Chillin at Seven Emu Station (Sat June 9th)

Happy Birthday to Poppy!

It was a lazy day today, Damon and I ended up having a little party by the fire last night, and managed to finish of the rum supply.

remnants of last nights ripper fire

We had planned to drive down the to river mouth, and the beach with no name, but that didn’t happen.

The morning was spent doing some more hand washing, which is all we seem to do lately, especially with Cam being a bit sick. Last night he had dirrohea, and unfortunately some went into his sleeping bag. So since being here, his bedding has been hand washed twice. The bulldust here also makes for very messy kids, of course they love playing in it, and driving their trucks through it. Dust is everywhere, so im looking forward to some grass, and a washing machine soon.

After the cleaning, we took the kids up past the homestead, for a splash in the river. Frank assures us that its safe here to swim, as the crocs won’t come up the barrage on the crossing.

After lunch we all had a nanna nap, which was bliss, even though a little hot. Then it was time to cook some damper. I made the dough and added ham, cheese, herbs and olives and popped it in the camp oven for 20 mins or so.

It turned out okay, although it was crispy and black on the outside and a bit doughy in the middle. We’ll master it after a few tries hopefully.

It will be an early night for all of us, Sienna is now complaining of a sore tummy, and we’re tired after last night.

Staying here has been our highlight so far, we just can’t get over that view. It doesn’t look real sometimes. The birdlife here is awesome, we sit up on our bank and watch them all in their own habitat. Sea eagles, eagles, black cockatoos, galahs, and correllas. All this makes up for the bulldust, and lack of facilities and creature comforts. 

We are all pretty filthy, as we’ve been bush camping for the last 4 nights. I can’t wait to wash my hair.

Sienna gave us our grand finale tonight, as i said before her tummy wasn’t quite right. 

Poor little thing ended up being sick all over our bed! So poor Damon and I had to sleep with no bedding, as it was soiled right through. It was freezing, we were in our beanies, jumpers, socks and had to steal the kids blankets and use a picnic rug over us to try keep a little bit warm.

I think someone up there is trying to test us, but we will not be broken!

1 comment:

  1. I think you have talked us into spending a couple of nights here, looks fantastic.
    lyndon, bec and Charlie.
