Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 49 – King Ash Bay (Mon June 11th)

No washing today!! Yay.  

Damon flicked some lures, we took the kids to the little playground they have here, and I updated the blog. Apart from that we just sat on the banks of the river and enjoyed the serenity.

View from our bed

For the past nine days, we’ve been blessed with perfect winter days. Clear blue skies, with chilli nights and mornings. The afternoons can warm up to 25-27 degrees, which has been lovely.

Grrrr – so much for no washing today, little Mr Cam wet his bed when having his arvo sleep, so it was off to the laundry AGAIN!

After the millionth load of washing was on, we took a drive out to Batten Point, 7km north towards the mouth of the Mcarthur River. It’s nice out here, with quite a few people free camping. We spotted this guy on the opposite side of the river bank, sunning himself.

We also spotted one of the families we met at King Fisher Camp travelling with their 3 boys, so we called in to say gday. They are well set up, with their boat etc and look to be staying here for a while. Although they haven’t had much luck with any fish yet, they said they saw about 10 salties today. There are plenty here in the Mcarthur River.

Back at camp we had to settle for drinking mocha’s whilst watching the sun set, as we haven’t been able to replenish our rum supply. 

These little Rainbow Bee Eaters were flitting around while we were watching yet another lovely sun set.

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