Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 88 - Manning Gorge to May River (Fri July 20th)

The Western end of the Gibb River road is very scenic, we drove through two beautiful ranges today, the King Leopold and Napier Ranges.

Tyre repairs at Iminjti Store

King Leopold Ranges

looks like a great camp spot

Napier Range
Queen Victoria's Head - Napier Range

We had lunch on the Lennard River, nearly in the exact same spot Damon and I camped at 9 years ago. The Lennard River Rest stop is pretty much opposite the turn off to Windjana Gorge, which is where we headed after lunch.

Lennard River lunch stop

We were originally planning on camping at Windjana Gorge, but the campgrounds were pretty full with no shade or pits available for us to have a fire. After a nice walk to the gorge, we pushed on, and ended up camping on the rocky river bed of the May River.

A short bush walk to Windjana Gorge


Getting dirty - May River

May River camping


We almost completed the Gibb River Road today, our camp spot being only 40km from the western end.

Tomorrow we will be in beautiful Broome!

1 comment:

  1. hi guys, wow looks amazing, looking fowards to more updates. We got your very cool posy card today, loved it. Take care guys
