Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 85 - McGowan Island to Drysdale River Station (Tue July 17th)

We weren't looking forward to the 200km south to Drysdale today, but it had to be done! It took us 6 hours, which included a quick lunch stop to reach our destination. For the first part of the trip, we averaged only 20km/hr.

coming back into Kalumburu - damaged roads from wet season
Now built up and good to drive on

It's hard to believe we've been on the road for 3 months today, 3 down 3 to go. What an adventure we've had, and are yet to have!

The road seemed worse today than it did on our trip north from Drysdale Station. But, maybe that was because i was starting to get a little over the bumpy roads.

A 4wd towing a camper trailer flew past us, he was nowhere to be seen by the time his dust had settled. We both looked at each other and said, I wonder how long till he comes unstuck. Sure enough, about an hour later, he had come to grief, surprise - surprise! He was pulled of the road with his right wheel and axle missing of his trailer. We stopped to see if he needed a hand - 'no i'm fine, i'll get to Drysdale and get repairs' He had already unhitched his trailer, and so he took off like a bullet. We couldn't get over how fast some people travel on these roads, it's mad!

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