Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 82 - Kalumburu to McGowan Island (Sat July 14th)

After a stock up on food at Kalumburu and obtaining our $50 permit for this area, we drove the 25km out to the coast and set up camp at McGowan Island.

We had heard good and bad reports about this place, the bad being that the guy who runs the camp ground is quite arrogant and hard to take. We were prepared for this, and only dealt with him when and if we had to.

The good, is that it's a beautiful place, with grass and some shade which makes for great camping

We paid $40/night, kids were free.

Cooling off in the sprinklers in front of our camp

McGowan Island Beach - fires in the distance

Hermit crab collecting
Little Beach next to where we camped

McGowan Island Beach

Ready for sunset


Boab Sunset

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