Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 81 - King Edward River to Kalumburu (Fri July 13th)

After packing up we walked downstream to the lovely waterfall and had a dip, before heading north for Kalumburu.

Waterfall - King Edward River

Walking back to camp

King Edward River

As we were driving back out to the Kalumburu Road from King Edward River Camp, we came across yet another trailer tragedy. The draw bar had snapped off a tour bus the previous afternoon, uh oh!

Back out to the Kalumburu Road we turned left and headed north, some people have said that this is the worst road in Australia. So we were prepared for what was to come, we took it easy, and at times could only manage 20km/hr. We were actually expecting the road to be worse than we found it, and were happy it wasn't as horrific as we imagined.

We came across some Brolgas having a dance on the road, and managed to get a few pics before we scared them off.


Kalumburu Road
Lunch stop - Kalumburu Road

It took us about 3 hours to drive the 80kms to Kalumburu, we called into the mission and payed our $45 to camp here for the night.

Kalumburu is an Aboriginal Community and is the northernmost settlement in WA. The Mission here is steeped in history, and has a museum which tells it's story.

Kalumburu Mission 

Tonight we were treated to the rather loud and distorted sounds of the town's outdoor disco, which the community holds every Friday and Saturday night.

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