Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 80 - Mitchell Falls (Thur July 12th)

What an amazing day we had today!!

It took us 2 hours to drive the 70 or so klms to the Mitchell Falls carpark and camping area, which is where the helicopters take off from. The road was rough, and slow in parts, but the flight and Mitchell Falls experience was worth every corrugation!!

We took the 48 min Coastal Flight, which had us flying out over the remote Kimberley Coast looking for marine life, then following the Mitchell River along and over lower Mitchell Falls, and ended with circling twice over the famous Mitchell Falls and landing not far from the top of the Falls.






It was a memorable experience, one we will never forget! Certaintly one of our highlights of the trip. The pilot was fantastic, he gave us a history of the region we were covering. This included sacred aboriginal sites, such as a retribution circle, very interesting.

Mitchell River

Mitchell River

All to much for some

Mitchell Falls

We spotted huge crocs, sharks and mantarays, and were lucky enough to have a magic day weather wise with a total glass out. This part of Australia and the Kimberley is beautiful and untouched, lets only hope it stays that way.

After our helicopter flight, we spent 2 hours at the top of the falls. We crossed the Mitchell River by foot and had a swim and a fun swirl below a mini waterfall. Just down from the helipad is the best spot to walk to and see the falls, they are spectacular.

Mitchell River - above falls



Crossing Mitchell River

Another helicopter coming in to land
Water swirls made during wet season

Taken from the vantage point near helipad

I'm standing to the right of this pic

We opted not to walk today, and instead got the 6 minute helicopter transfer back to the car park. This included another double fly over the falls before returning to the car park.

Waiting for our helicopter
One last look

Up up and away

The mighty Mitchell River and Falls

Yay - i stayed awake this time

Wowee - what a day!

The day finished with a few rums, and a fire for the kids with toasted marshmellows.

Sunset colours - King Edward River

What you up to sis?

Dad's fancy mickey mouse dinner he made

Enjoying mickey mouse by the fire

1 comment:

  1. Simply amazing you lucky ducks. The photos are brilliant. I think we will have to do it the hard way though.
