Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 78 - Kickin back at Drysdale (Tue July 10th)

we woke to a chilly 10 degree morning, but it quickly warms up as the sun rises higher in the sky.

Today we booked a helicopter flight over the Kimberely Coast and Mitchell Falls!  The closest day we could get is Thursday, so we decided to spend an extra day here, catching up on things, and drive up to Mitchell Plateau tomorrow.

Booking our Mitchell Falls Flight
Public Phone - Drysdale Station

Damon spent the morning greasing and checking the wheel bearings on the camper trailer. The road only gets worse from here to Kalumburu, so he wants to be extra safe.  The kids and i spent the morning writing postcards, drawing and doing kids activity books.

After lunch we drove 3km north to Miner's pool, which is a bush camp by the Drysdale River and part of the Station camping.  We were a little unsure of crocs, so we didn't venture in. A little further up the Kalumburu road we came to the Drysdale River Crossing. A tour bus of people that are camping next to us were here having a swim, so we followed suit, the water was so refreshing on this hot day. The tour guide said the crocs don't come this far down from the coast, but we still had our eyes open.

Drysdale River - Miners Pool

Drysdale River Crossing

Back at camp the kids collected sticks for the fire, and enjoyed some sticky marshmellows after dinner.

Waiting for our fire

Come on dad, give it to me
Thanks dad

Thanks Sis

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