Thursday, August 30, 2012

Broome Time - Day 89 - 93 (Sat July 21st - Wed July 25th)

We were lucky enough to get a camping site at Cable Beach for 5 nights, where we enjoyed the Broome atmosphere!

Broome is very busy this time of year, everyone wants to head north and escape the chilly southern winter. After coming of the Gibb River Road on Saturday we called into Derby for fuel, and i rang all the caravan parks to check for vacancies. They were all full, i was told to head straight to the Visitor Centre on arrival into Broome, and they will be able to tell me if there were any vacancies after the 10am checkout.

We stayed at Tarangau Caravan Park at Cable Beach, and managed to scam 5 nights in a row on the same site, after a lot of begging mind you.

We enjoyed beautiful sunsets, driving on Cable Beach (could of done without the nuddies though!), Camel rides, markets, swimming in the clear turquoise waters of Cable Beach and Gantheaume Point, strolling through the Japanese Cemetery and just soaking up the balmy feel of historic Broome.

Funky stalls at Broome Markets

Broome Markets

Spotting a pearl lugger off Cable Beach

Cable Beach

Camels - Cable Beach

Kickin back on Cable Beach

Cable Beach Sunset 

Cable Beach - Sunset

Gantheaume Point

Gantheaume Point

Beach - Gantheaume Point

Streeter's Jetty - Broome

Old Pearling Lugger - Broome
Gantheaume Point

Gantheaume Point

Gantheaume Point

Port Beach

Broome Port

Port Beach

Japanese Cemetery

On our last night in Broome before heading up north to Middle Lagoon, we surprised Sienna with a Camel ride! Cam was too chicken and wouldn't get to close to them, so he hung out on the beach with Dad and waited for Sienna and I to return.

Hello Sienna
Im so excited



Here they come Dad

Sienna loved the camel ride which went for half an hour, it was great to see her so excited! After the camel ride, we drove further up the beach and enjoyed another Cable Beach Sunset!

Look at me - I drive cars, not camels

Havin a ball

Loving the freedom

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