Monday, July 30, 2012

El Questro (June 5th & 6th)

We left Kununurra and made our way to El Questro Wilderness Park, a 1 million acre cattle station along the Gibb River Road. The drive is beautiful though the East Kimberley region, the main feature being the magic Cockburn Ranges!

Cockburn Ranges

We set up camp in the main campground near the homestead and store, and couldn't get over how busy it was. It kind of put a dampner on our whole El Questro experience, it seemed too commercialized to us. The country side and scenery here is amazing, but the money making industry can ruin the atmosphere at times.

There are plenty of gorges, drives, and bush walks to explore. We loved the views from the lookouts, true Kimberley Country!

Lookout over Pentecost River

Lookout near Pidgeon Hole

Would be a great spot for sundowners

Lookout over Penecost River and Pidegon Hole

Pidgeon Hole

We drove out to Zebedee Springs, a natural hot water spring, it was beautiful, but we didn't go in for a dip as we couldn't find a spare hole to squeeze ourselves into. It was crazy, crazy busy! Such a shame, they open the springs from 7am-12pm, after 12pm the gate is closed and the springs are only available for private tours! We didn't get there until 9am, so i think the trick is to be there at 7am when the gate opens.

My morning coffee view

Wild Boab

Crossing the Chamberlain River

Chamberlain River

Where the richies stay - El Questro Homestead

El Questro Homestead

Branco's Lookout

My fav spot at El Questro

Branco's lookout

Chamberlain River - Branco's Lookout

Explosion Gorge

Chambelain Gorge

Saddleback Lookout

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys, shame El Questro was so busy when you were there as it really is a beautiful place. You are right about the commercialisation though, we felt as if the campers were just tolerated as they concentrated on the high end tourism sector.
