Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 65 - Crocodile Jumping Cruise and Darwin City - (Wed June 27th)

Yesterday was a shopping and cleanup day, with most of the morning spent at the Casuarina shopping centre. We all had much needed haircuts, and restocked up on food and general supplies.

Today was another highlight of our trip so far!

We left Darwin at 7am and headed south to the Adelaide River for the famous Jumping Crocodile Cruise - it was AWESOME!! The cruise went for an hour from 9am, and we were blown away by the size of these monsters and how close they get to the boat.

We couldn't get over the amount of cars heading into the city for work, it surely feels a lot busier than 9 years ago. We had to laugh at all the fireworks signs all over Darwin and heading south. There are banners everywhere advertising the sale of fireworks on July 1st for Territory Day. We saw a spectacular NT sunrise whilst driving the 70km south to the part of the Adelaide River where the cruise left from. We took the Fogg Dam exit off the Arnhem Highway, and as we were early, we had a look at Fogg Dam. The wall is closed to walkers at the moment, as a large estuarine crocodile has been trapped in here after the wet season. They have traps set to try and capture him.

The cruise cost us $35/adult, children aged 2-15 are normally $16 each, as per their website, but she didn't charge for our kids when i went to pay.

There wasn't too many people on board, which made it easy to walk from one side of the boat to the other, we were able to get great close up views of the crocodiles. Morgan the tour guide was very knowledgeable and knows each and every crocodile that resides in this part of the river.

As soon as we got in the boat, this big boy named Scotty was waiting for his feed. He came right up to the boat, it was amazing to see these creatures this close!


We saw quite a few crocodiles, they weren't jumping as high as they normally do as it was a little too cold for them. But, we still managed to see them jumping and putting on a show for us. Morgan said in the afternoon they jump a lot higher when it's a bit warmer.

Big Boy - Brutus



We really enjoyed the tour, being our best so far!! Below is a video of one of the jumping crocs

The afternoon was spent cruising around the city of Darwin. The city is situated high on the cliffs overlooking the Darwin Harbour and the Timor Sea. We had a walk along the esplanade, which has a large park that runs the length of the esplanade with views out over the harbour. The city has a laid back feel, it's quiet and warm, we love it!

Heading out of the city we drove out to East Point Reserve in Fannie Bay. We sat out here overlooking the harbour back towards the city, and with some nibbles and a few drinks we enjoyed the perfect end to a fantastic day.

Darwin Esplanade

Fannie Bay Beach - East Point Reserve

Darwin from East Point Reserve

East Point Reserve

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