Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 75 - El Questro to Wyndham (Sat July 7th)

Not far from El Questro along the Gibb River road towards Kununurra is Emma Gorge. There is a resort here, which is part of the El Questro Wildnerness Park. We called in here this morning and did the 1hr bush walk to Emma Gorge, this was nice and ended in a refreshing swim in Turquoise Pool, before walking back to the resort and continuing on our way. El Questro Wildness Park charges a permit fee of $20 per person over 12yrs, this permit is valid for 7 days.

Next stop was Kununurra for a stock up on food, before heading up to Wyndham for a night. We were keen to do the Karunjie Track which goes from Wyndham to the Pentecost River on the Gibb River Road, even though some locals had advised us against it due to poor road conditions.

Leaving El Questro

Track to Emma Gorge

Turquoise pool
Emma Gorge

Turquoise Pool

After setting up camp at the Wyndham Caravan Park we had a little visitor which the kids loved!! Damon got a fright when he returned from the shower and saw our visitor sticking his head into the camper.

Hello Mr Donkey

After a few laughs with Mr Donkey, we drove down to the Port of Wyndham and caught the end of this awesome sunset from the jetty.

Wyndham Sunset

After the sunset we had dinner at the local pub, in the diner with a few locals. We had dinner here 9 years ago, and not a thing has changed. The pictures on the walls are in the same spots, and it looks like the tablecloths haven't been changed either. Our meals were a bit pricey, but they were huge, and very yummy indeed.

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