Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 71 – Darwin to Kununurra (Tue July 3rd)

10 weeks today on the road, wow!

We left Darwin at 4am, and were in Katherine for a Maccas breaky by 7am. Not long after we left Darwin we could feel the temperature dropping, and by the time we reached Katherine it was quite chilly.

The Victoria River region south of Katherine is beautiful, and is surrounded by the Gregory River National Park. We crossed the Victoria River, and passed the Roadhouse where a few people were camping. 

About to cross Victoria River

Driving through Gregory National Park

Victoria River

It was around this area that we saw our first Boab Tree. They are such cool trees, we love them, each with their own character. They can only be found in the North West of WA.

We clocked 10,000km when we hit Timber Creek, which is where we stopped for lunch. This means we are still averaging 1000km/week, as its our 10th week today on the road!

The Boabs were coming thick and fast now around Timber Creek, we had to stop and take more pictures of them.

We crossed the border into Western Australia, and after throwing out most of our fruit and veg we continued onto Kununurra, which is about 30km south of the border. 

Heading into Western Australia

We turned our watches back 1.5hrs, which had us arriving at about 2pm WA time. We did 812 km today, and it took us about 11 hours.

We are camped at the Kimberyland Lake Caravan Park on the banks of Lily Creek Lagoon, which runs into Lake Kununurra.

Our view, Lily Creek Lagoon

Its crazy busy here in Kununurra, full with Grey Nomads and travelers like us. We're looking forward to going bush again along the Gibb River Road.

The moon rise was nice tonight over Lily Creek Lagoon, tomorrow we look forward to the full moon.

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