Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 7 – Palmer River to Endeavour River Escape (Mon April 30th)

We decided we would head further north today and see what the day would bring.  The main roads were updating their info on road closures today.  After packing up we took the kids down the river for a quick refreshing dip before we took off. It was quite warm, especially after packing up in the sun, so the dip was welcome!

We left at 10.30am, the clouds that were rolling in last night stuck around all day today, and bought a few showers with them.  At the turn off to Laura, Weipa and Cape York is the Lakeland Roadhouse where we stopped for a coffee and to see if anyone knew when the road would be opening, they didn't really know.

We decided to head into Cooktown for lunch, then head out to the Endeavour River Escape for a few nights until we know what’s happening with the road closures.

Cooktown was wet and as always (windy), after lunch we called into the info centre at the Botanical gardens, which is really nice.  We were told that the road probably won’t open until mid may!  By this stage the Main Roads website had been updated to stay that the roads will remain closed, and this will be reviewed on May 3rd.

So it was off to the Endeavour River Escape for 3 nights until the 3rd, if the road remains closed after this date we will make alternative plans. We may head down the Bloomfield Track and spend some time at Cape Tribulation and wait for the roads to open.

Cooktown is situated on the banks of the Endeavour River, and we are camped up on the right branch of the Endeavour River on this environmentally certified working farm that breeds Clydesdale horses and has a passionfruit vineyard.  The Homestead and campgrounds are run on solar power. We called in here last July-August when we were staying at Cooktown and liked the look of the secluded bush campsites with their own fireplace and bar b.  The farm is about 15k north of Cooktown.  Camping is $25 per night. The station owners are extremely friendly, they have offered for the kids to come up and see the horses, feed and hold the chickens and pat their poddy calf. 

Salt water Crocs are close by in the Endeavour River, so we have been Croc wise and safe! There is a boat ramp not far from us for people to go fishing, Damon is keen to flick a lure tomorrow. We are the only ones here camping at the station which is nice.  The amenities are great, all made from raw materials with a rustic feel.

The ammenities

Dinner time

No stars tonight L it’s still windy, with showers passing thru.  We’ve had no phone or inet service last night or tonight, so will have to post the last 2 days of the blog when we go to Cooktown tomorrow

If you click on the photos ive included you can see them at full size, it will bring up the photo and also the others on that page afterwards. 

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