Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 34 – Karumba (Sun May 27th)

Another chilly, windy morning, at 15 degrees, it’s cold for us north queenslanders!

The Sunset Tavern at Karumba Point holds a market on Sunday, so we went and checked it out. We grabbed a few great bargains, and discussed with the locals, the out of ordinary cold weather they are having at the moment. No one can get over how dirty and murky the river is, which is normally blue. This would of been nice to see, but it’s not going to be the case this time.

After the markets we drove into the town of Karumba, which is down river a little from Karumba Point. There isn’t a lot here really, its a little fishing town.

It’s started to warm up this arvo, although it was still windy, it was lovely in the sunshine.

Our stay at Karumba had a wonderful finale, with dinner and a nice sunset at The Sunset Tavern. The water seemed a little clearer this afternoon.

Damon has had his heart set on a bucket of prawns and a beer at The Sunset Tavern, whilst watching the sunset! I had a prawn and fetta pizza, both meals were delicious. 

We were pleased the weather fined up for us to enjoy our last afternoon here.

We are heading west tomorrow, and it's back on the dirt. We are aiming to free camp at Leichhardt Falls.

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