Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 19 – The Tip (Pajinka) (Sat may 12th)

We haven't seen our resident crocodile yet, but we're still looking. 

We also have a resident family of owls in the tree above us, we enjoy hearing them each night and watching them fly down to the ground and grab their dinner.

It was another overcast morning with more showers forecast for today and the next few days. So we decided to go to the Tip now in case the weather worsens.

We called into the Bamaga Bakehaus, to get fresh bread and try their yummy sausage rolls we’d heard about.

Then we made our way to the Tip, which is about 35kms north of Bamaga. 

We stopped at The Croc Tent, here we were given a map and info on what there is to do at the Tip of Australia. After a chat to the nice bloke that runs it with his wife and 15 month old son, we headed off.

The last 15km to the Tip is on a narrow road through thick rainforest, it was nice driving through the rainforest which was still damp from the previous rain.

When we arrived at the Tip, we were the only ones there. It was a bit of a hike, clambering over the rocks, but we finally made it!!

I think i can, i think i can

Sienna raced ahead and was the first one to the Top, which she was very proud of. And hoppy was last of course, we had the place to ourselves for a while, which was awesome!

Yay - We made it!!

We enjoyed the moment, got some pics, then watched other’s arrive.  We left and walked back around the headland by the beach which by now was at low tide.  

We made it back to the car, and not long after taking off it started to rain. We were on our way out to Somerset for a look, but ended up turning around as the rain was torrential!! I think we ended up getting about 2 inches of rain all up. We were so lucky to have enjoyed our adventure at the Tip before it started to bucket down.

Back at camp we had our own pool under the back of our camper! lucky we parked it on a hill, so all the water drained away from us and pooled away from the annex. Everything inside the camper was still dry, so we were very pleased about that. The floor of the annex was a little wet, and of course it was boggy all around us.

The crew here are so nice, they even dug us a trench out the back of the camper to drain some of the water away.

After lunch we had a visit from our friends Jenny and Ben, we all huddled inside the annex with a drink and watched the rain.  They said they haven't had rain like this in 6 weeks, trust us to cop it. Its not meant to rain up here in May. But, we all know sometimes things can be unpredictable, especially up here. 

More rain on its way

We just have to go with the flow - literally!!

1 comment:

  1. Great Going U4

    Got sidetracked for a bit and all of a sudden you were at the tip. Great photos and dialogue...You have travelled at the best time.. still lush from the wet and few people.
    xxxx A & R
