Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 21 - Punsand Bay day trip (Mon May 14th)

Another overcast, showery day today :(  Although it's been a little annoying with the constant showers of rain, at the same time its been nice to experience the rain on the cape. To get a little of the wet season feel.

Today we made it out to Punsand Bay! We crossed Laradeenya Creek, it was still flowing fast, but had gone right down. The drive out to Punsand Bay was really nice, with lots of little creeks rushing out from the scrub like vegetation. We took our time, the road was a little washed out, but not a problem.

The resort at Punsand Bay was a little run down, although we could see how nice it could be. The camp sites were set back a little from the beach, which was really nice.

On the way home from Punsand Bay

On the way home, we called into Seisa to check out the jetty which is a well known great fishing spot! The schools of bait under the jetty had Damon pretty excited. He could'nt wait to get his fishing gear and try his luck.

The seisa jetty is where the ferry from Thursday Island comes in and departs from. It is also the port for the cape, where all the goods, stores and supplies arrive on the barge. People can travel on this barge to and from cairns with their cars and caravan/campers. The butcher just before Seisa has a good reputation, so we stopped here also to stock up on some cryovacced meat. They sell ice here for $3 bag, which is a lot cheaper than anywhere else in town.

After lunch Damon went back down to the Seisa jetty to catch us some dinner! He had a ball down there he said, and came home with a Mackeral!  It was superb, you cant beat fresh fish in the pan.

He even got the fire going this afternoon with our wet wood, which he then used to roast some potatoes to go with the fish.



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