Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 23 – Day trip to the WW11 plane wrecks & Mutee Head (Wed May 16th)

Today is our last day here at Loyalty Beach up near the Tip of Cape York, we head south tomorrow for Captain Billy's Landing.

We were blessed with sunshine, and lots of wind, which made for a perfect morning to start our pack up. The sun and wind dried everything out nicely. We were starting to get worried about packing everything up in the rain, but luck was on our side.

After lunch we drove back out to Bamaga Airport, which is where the Jackey Jackey Airfield was during WW11. Here we saw some WW11 Plane wrecks and a heap of discarded 44 gallon drums of old wartime fuel dumps.

Not far from the airport is the Fishbone Ck Boat Ramp, this creek runs into Jackey Jackey Ck, which is a large ck that runs out to the east coast, and is good for fishing and croc spotting. Damon couldn’t help himself at the boat ramp and had to flick a lure, but to no luck unfortunately. We had our eyes peeled for the salties that live around here, but they must of been hiding.

Then we shot across to the west coast of the cape, to the beautiful white beach of Mutee Head. During the last war, Mutee Head was an important landing point for all forms of military supplies, and a large military camp was based here. We found it really hard not to dive into the blue waters at Mutee Head, the water looked so inviting. Today has been our nicest day. weather wise on the cape, once that sun is out it has a real bite! It’s hard to imagine our friends and family are getting chilly down south.


It was quite deceiving here, as it really didn’t look like croc country. But being so close to the mouth of the mighty Jardine River, they are here for sure!  The beach has good grassed areas for camping, but you need to be self sufficient, as there is no water or any other facilities.

There is a sandy, boggy road that takes you down to the Jardine River mouth, with more camping spots along the river bank. We started to venture down this track, but ended up turning around, it was getting late, and with 2 little kiddies in the car we didn’t want to get stuck!

Back at camp we all helped to get the fire going. Damon and I then had our sundowners whilst watching the kids play on the beach with some little friends they had met. These guys have been travelling around Oz for 17months, they have 1 month left of their big adventure.

Another sunset gone, kids in bed, we then had spag bol by the fire and enjoyed a starry starry night.

We’ve really liked it here, it’s been so nice to kick back in one spot for 7 days. Some days we do day trips, then other days relax at camp. We had a magic spot right on the beach, and have enjoyed listening to the gentle lap of the ocean each night and morning.

We’ve been amazed at the lack of mozzies and sandflies here. These pests love our kids, so it’s been great to give their little legs and arms a chance to heal from all the bites. 

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