Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 29 - Laura to Cairns (Tue May 22nd)

4 weeks ago today we left home on our big adventure!  A nice easy drive today, along the bitumen we covered 317km in about 4 hours.

The grey nomads were out in full force heading north!

We came down the Rex Range to the coast and followed the lovely coastal drive into Cairns. Rain has been forecast for the next few days here, so we bit the bullet and booked 2 nights in a self contained unit. Our plan whilst here in Cairns is a huge clean up, before we head off along the Savannah Way, and the next part of our trip.  All of which would of been difficult if camping in the rain.

Our unit looks like a bomb site! We unpacked everything out of the car and plan to free it all of that lovely red dust.

The car and camper had some pampering this arvo, we took them to a car wash and gave them a good scrub, and managed to get rid of most of the red dust. The car is also booked in tomorrow for an oil and oil filter change. After their bath, we ducked into Cairns Central for a quick stock up for dinner. We had an interesting entry into the car park. It's paid parking here, so after grabbing our ticket we proceeded through the boom gate. This boom gate didn't sense our trailer we were towing, so it was ripped clean off in the process. Oppppps!!!

On return to our car, we noticed the boom gate had been put back in place, and was working again. To avoid the same problem on the way out, i had to stand and catch the gate as it tried to drop down on our trailer again.

Back at the unit, we did some washing, cleaning and enjoyed the creature comforts a house/unit brings. The kids were most excited, and a little hyped up.

We were hoping to do the Burke Development Road from Cairns to Karumba, but unfortunately a large section of it remains closed. So, it looks like we will be taking the bitumen highway to Karumba.

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