Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 24 – Loyalty Beach to Captain Billy’s Landing (Thur May 17th)

were on the road by 8am, heading south for Captain Billy’s Landing. We arrived at this rugged wind swept coast about lunch time.

The road in to Captain Billy’s is 27km, off the southern bypass road. The track is sandy with lots of big speed hump and a few little creek crossings. We saw some wild black piglets running through the bush on our trip in.

This area is within the Heathlands Resource Reserve, and a permit is required to camp here. This permit needs to be orgainsed online, which can sometimes be difficult as there is no mobile or inet reception here or most of the Cape.

The afternoon was spent exploring the beaches, caves and rock pools. We all enjoyed our walk along the beach and around the sandstone headland. We found bats in caves, crabs and star fish in rock pools, and Sienna even found some treasure. Well that’s what she calls it anyway. J

The shaped wood from the water at high tide

Sienna and her treasure

Cam and Sienna - Cape York 2012

We are the only ones camped here tonight, which we love! It was great to have the beach to ourselves this arvo. This is another place I find hard to believe that there are crocs, it looks more like the beaches of Victoria, with the headlands and white sand.

Sundowners while watching the kids play on the beach

The remains of the Landing that they used to load cattle for transport to Bamaga and Weipa

We have a pit toilet, and a nice big shelter shed with timber tables. The shelter shed has been good to protect us from the strong south easterly winds that prevail here.

Tonight we have the sound of the waves crashing on the beach, gotta love it!

Sunset at Captain Billy's Landing

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