Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 11 – Lion’s Den Hotel to Wonga Beach (Fri May 4th)

After packing up, Damon and the kids had a swim in the creek, i was a wus and chickened out. 

We then headed south along the Bloomfield Track today and arrived at Wonga Beach about 20km south of The Daintree Village in the arvo. 

The drive today was really beautiful, mostly dirt roads through lush tropical rainforest. We followed the Bloomfield River into the aboriginal community of Wujal Wujal where we stopped for morning tea.

The Bloomfield River
Fishing the Bloomfield River Crossing

Then it was onto the Bloomfield Track through to Cape Tribulation, where we stopped for lunch at Thornton Beach. We took our time, although we did it quicker than last July when we went from south to north, as this time we didn’t stop at all the beaches and lookouts.  We can now say we’ve done the Bloomfield Track both ways. The road was pretty good, a little washed out, with a few creek crossings.

We crossed the Daintree River on the car ferry, keeping a lookout for crocs, would off been good to see one to show the kids.

The caravan park at Wonga Beach is called Pinnacle Village Holiday Park, unpowered sites are $49 per night for 2 adults and 2 children.  We are on a large grass reserve right on the beach protected from the wind by a row of coconut trees and bush.  Here is the link

We have booked in here for 4 nights, over the long weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys did you go to look at the falls at Wujal Wuja? Great reading...
