Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 25 – Captain Billy’s Landing to Merluna Station (Fri May 18th)

There were a lot of sandflies here this morning, unfortunately the kids now have a heap of bites on their backs L

Good morning - from Sienna

It’s high tide, so the caves and headland we explored yesterday are inaccessible now. We’re glad it wasn’t high tide yesterday arvo, as we wouldn’t of had our fun walk.

Sand dune climbing

Beach treasures


It took us an hour to do the 27km trip back out to the southern bypass road this morning.  You certaintly don’t get anywhere fast up here, well we don’t anyway!
The kids have been travelling really well in the car, as long as I keep feeding them, haha. The dvd players have been a godsend, and we also play fun kiddie tunes when they get restless. Even good old John Williamson gets us all singing along.

We’ve seen 7 snakes on the roads so far, 4 of them were today. We came across these 2 mating today, they put on a good show for us. At least that's what we thought they were doing, maybe fighting. The kids loved it though, just as much as we did.


We stopped at Bramwell Junction RH for fuel and iceblocks, then continued onto Moreton Telegraph Station for naughty pies and sausage rolls for lunch. They have camping here, which looked quite nice and green with plenty of shade. There is also an STD pay phone out the front, telephone cards are available at the office.

We came across this guy on our travels today, as you can see the anthills up here are quite friendly.

About 1.5km south of Moreton Telegraph Station, on the left is a rubbish tip. We found this handy as I was carrying our rubbish bag at my feet until we found a bin. We needed to take our rubbish with us today from Captain Billy’s Landing.

We’ve noticed a few dams along this stretch of road, and stopped at one to take some pics of the Jabiru’s. The birds we’ve seen the most up here are the blue winged kookaburras, they’re everywhere.

One of the dams along the road

The road crews have now gone, well they have along the section of road we drove today. We saw a lot more cars today than we have yet since our whole time on the Cape. They will be coming in their droves soon!

That's us comin down the Track

We arrived at Merluna Cattle Station about 3ish, set up camp, took the kids to see the pigs, and enjoyed a swim in their pool.

Merluna Station is a working cattle station, and covers 416,00 acres. Camping is $25/night for 2 adults, and the kids are free as they are under 5 years.
Dallas, the lady running the camping side of things, came and grabbed the kids when she went to feed the pigs, which was nice.

Here piggy piggy

We are the only ones camped here, and the first ones here for the season. They have only opened the camp grounds a few days ago for this season.

It's known as a bird lover's paradise here, we've seen flocks of galahs, blue winged kookaburras, dollar birds and more, it's lovely listening to them all around us. The kids also loved watching the little wallabies feeding in the paddocks.

It’s another beautiful starry night, I’m going to capture this beauty one night with my camera.

Tonight we are going to sleep with the sound of crickets and frogs in the nearby pond.
We’re  off to Weipa tomorrow, which is only 100km down the track.

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