Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 18 – Loyalty Beach and Bamaga (Fri may 11th)

We had a few showers last night and woke up to an overcast day with more showers forecast. That’s ok, we had nothing planned today apart from some washing and a general clean up.

I now have a new nickname, and that is hoppy!

Damon was out flicking a lure on the beach this morning at high tide. The kids raced down to see him, and of course i freaked out, as i didn’t want them too close to the water due to Crocs! I called out and went to chase them and missed the step of the camper, falling out and twisting my ankle. Ouch!

After a few loads of washing, some hoping around, and some resting, we drove into Seisa and Bamaga for a look see, and to top up food and grog supplies. Yes, we have just about finished our 5 litre rum supply!  We are now on rum and cheese rations, as our carton of rum cost $120 and a kilo of cheese cost $15.

No cape sunsets today as it was too overcast L

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