Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to Broome - Day (98-100, July 30th - Aug 1st)

After our middle lagoon adventure we headed back to Broome for a few days to stock up and service the car before our trip down the West Coast.

Whilst the truck was in having the tyres rotated and aligned it was discovered that one of the front tyre rods was severely worn and would need replacing. This meant we had to lengthen our stay from 2 nights to 3 nights as we had to wait for parts. The car also got a new awning while we were in Broome, which we will soon be needing for our beach camping at Ningaloo.

On our last evening we had one of the nicest dinners we've had in a long time at the Sunset Bar and Grill at Cable Beach. It was a perfect way to end our time in Broome! We even splurged and sipped a cocktail whilst the sun was setting over the Indian Ocean.

Chillin at Cable Beach

Sunset Bar and Grill - Cable Beach

Decisions decisions

Hello Mai Tai
Mai Tai

Bye Bye Broome

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