Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Heading down the west coast!

Cape Keraudren - Day 103 & 104 (Sat/Sun Aug 4th & 5th)

After leaving Port Smith we headed south along the Great Northern Highway to Cape Keraudren.  The drive was quite boring, along a long straight stretch of highway. The talking point on the way was the amount of dead cows on the side of the road, we saw at least 6. The cattle stations here aren't fenced, so they are bound to lose some stock.

We paid our fees at the ranger station on the way into Cape Keraudren, which is about 12km of dirt from the highway. We chose our spot at the Sandy Beach camping area, the water here is a beautiful aqua color, very similar to Roebuck Bay in Broome. 

Beach fun at high tide

Sunset from camp

Our camp is 5th in from the right

Even though the full moon was 2 nights ago, we were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the "stairway to the moon" across the tidal flats each night.

We beach combed here, and explored the rock pools at low tide. Some people were catching octopus in these rock pools. Most of the fisherman were catching plenty of whiting and bream of the beach. It was a shame to see see some people keeping buckets of under size fish. Not good for our fish stocks in our oceans!



Sunset mauves

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