Friday, December 7, 2012

Ningaloo Station - Day 111 (Sun Aug 12th)

A magic day was had for our first full day at Ningaloo! It composed of whale watching, snorkeling, swimming and paddling about on the surf board.

We met some lucky families that have been camping here for 3 weeks, they were so chilled out!

Some people actually come and camp here for months, they get themselves well set up with wind generators and vege gardens. They bring their boats and live on fresh fish. We would love to come back for a month or so with our boat, and windsurfing gear etc. Maybe one day.......

The view looking south - from the breaky table

The beach right in front of our camp

Looking north - from camp

The day was topped of with a very special sunset, just as the sun dipped below the ocean, we saw a large whale spout in the exact spot the sun just disappeared from, it was just perfect!

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