Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 2 – Anzac Day Townsville (Wed April 25th)

After breaky we went into Townsville, along the Strand to watch the impressive Anzac Day March. 

Billy, Sienna, Lydia and Cameron

It was magic down by the water on the Strand over looking Magnetic Island. The kids were then rewarded with a play in the Water Park on the Strand for being so patient throughout the special Anzac Day March.  It was a hot, steamy day, so they really enjoyed the cool off in the water park J
In the arvo, we went and visited some close family friends – Annie, Rob, Sarah & Graeme.  They are going up to Cape York in Sept, so we all enjoyed comparing notes and tips. We had a lovely catch up with them, the kids enjoyed a swim and loved the helium balloons that Annie gave them, thanks Annie J 

We let 2 balloons go as we left and Cameron swears his has gone upto the Planets and Sienna says we are picking hers up at Cape York!!!

Back where we were staying all the kids had yet another swim, and a bar-b-que for dinner. It was an early night for all, Lydia and Billy had school in the morning, and we were taking off for Cairns.  

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