Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 117 - Ningaloo to Coral Bay (Sat Aug 18th)

After an epic 3hr pack up we were on our way to Coral Bay! The road out to the highway was pretty ordinary, with plenty of corrugations to boot.

All packed up and ready to go, and glad that we got out of our campsite, without getting bogged!!

The road out of Ningaloo Station

After 7 nights of beach camping with no facilities, the luxuries of a shower, proper loo, and washing machine were welcome! But being packed in like sardines at the Coral Bay Caravan Park, with neighbours all around within arms reach was no so welcoming. 

After copious amounts of washing done, we enjoyed some more simple luxuries like fish n chips and ice-creams for dinner. Yum yum.

Coral Bay

Day 116 - Last Day at Ningaloo (Fri Aug 17th)

We had a relaxing last day at Ningaloo, it started off with a dugong right in close to shore cruising past on his morning visit.  Since being here we've seen whales, dolphins, turtles, dugongs, emus (even on the beach), stingrays, goats and heaps and heaps of green budgies in flocks.

The kids enjoyed some more time on the surfboard, while i just sat and enjoyed the view!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 115 - Ningaloo (Thurs Aug 16th)

Another beautiful day in paradise! We headed of to the well again to collect water, and once again climbed the sand dunes and watched the whales off the reef from atop. Such a magic spot!!

Our Fav Spot

Whale Watching

Love you Bro

Back at the ranch, it was back to snorkeling, swimming and lazing about. Sienna even had a lesson on the dynamics of sailing!

Making Sand Castles 
Destroying Sand Castles


Sailing is a breeze

Whilst all this fun in the sun was happening, we had an unexpected visitor!

Snake tracks under our camper!!
We've been told of brown snakes hanging out in the dunes around here, and someone said they had sited on recently. We're not sure if it was a brown snake, but by those tracks it was definately some type of snake cruising around our camp. We followed the tracks, they went under the camper, past the chair Damon was snoozing in, under the truck and out onto the beach. They then turned and went back into the dunes a little further down the beach from our camp. 

Snake Tracks away from our camp
It was at this point, i moved the loo down from the dune and closer to camp. I was a bit shaken, and we were extra weary now!

On a lighter note, the wind died down this arvo, which was lovely! 

Tomorrow is our last day :( Although we don't want to leave, we need to start heading down the coast, if we want to be in Perth by the first week of Sept. We've been trying to stay as far north as we can, as the reports of chilly Perth aren't really enticing us at all!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 114 - Ningaloo Station (Wed Aug 15th)

Today was another windy day, which consisted of whale and dolphin watching, swimming and chilling on the beach. 


The day was topped of with another awesome sunset which featured a huge splash from a whale breaching just as the sun dipped below the horizon!

Day 113 - Ningaloo (Tue Aug 14th)

We've been away for 16 weeks today, and we're still lovin it!

It was a typical WA windy day today, WA stands for (Windy Always). 

We drove along the beach to the other end of our bay, and did some exploring.

Taking a stroll along South Lefroy Bay

South Lefroy Bay

Then it was off over the dunes again to collect some water from the wells, Sienna enjoyed her special job.

We took a walk over the dunes to the coast, and came across a lone camper with the pick of the spots all to himself. Tucked away amongst the sand dunes. It was whilst we were standing here we were talking about coming back for a month or more, but this time with our boat and Damon's windsurfing gear. It's a special place that we will definitely be coming back too. Meanwhile the kids were having a ball running down the sand dunes.

What a top spot he has


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 112 - Ningaloo Station (Mon Aug 13th)

We woke to a cold, windy, overcast morning. 

But by 10am the sun came out and it fined up. We heard about some water wells over the sand dunes, which people go and collect water from, using their own pumps. So we went for a drive to check it out, and also the ruins of the whaling station at Norwegian Bay.

Some local residents

Over the hills and far away

Whaling Station Ruins

Whilst swimming in these crystal clear waters, we had a visit by some dolphins that were feeding on mullet. One came racing past us, right up to the shore, poor Sienna got a real fright, but it sure was amazing to see a dolphin so close!!

Camp Storey - Ningaloo Station

Our dolphin encounter inspired us to make our own 

Kickin back waiting for sunset